Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Talking elevator?

This past weekend Adam and I went to the Song of Solomon marriage conference by Mark Driscoll. Mark is the pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington. It was a great conference and I feel like we learned a lot. Everything he talked about seemed to be convicting to at least one of us if not both. It was a growing and bonding experience.

The funny thing that happened to us at this conference actually took place as we were leaving the conference. We were in somewhat of a hurry because we had to rush home, let the dog out, feed her, change, and get out the door and on the road to Chanhassen. We had Adam’s work party at the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre and were cutting it close already. So we were on the elevator leaving the St. Paul RiverCentre and the couple ahead of us got off the elevator, leaving just the two of us remaining. I thought to myself "Hey, my hubby and I are alone…it is a marriage conference, I should give him a kiss." So I did! Next thing I know, I hear a voice from a speaker go "Ooo-ooh!" What the!? So I respond "Hello?" and the voice says "Bye-Bye!"

That was one of the oddest things ever. I was so confused when I heard the voice because I didn’t think there was any way someone could have been watching because I glanced around to be sure there was no video camera before kissing him. Oh, well – I got a great kiss and a few giggles out of it so I’m happy!


  1. That is so funny! Good humor is one of the coolest parts of a good marriage!

  2. That's hilarious! I'll think twice before doing that.

    Once, the elevator by my desk received a call from a telemarketing recording. It was saying "Press 1" and so on, which doesn't get you anywhere but the 1st floor in an elevator!
