Friday, February 12, 2010

While on a walk the other night...

So Adam and I were on a walk with the puppy the other night, when we saw some sort of machine at the end of a neighbors driveway about a block and a half away from our house. As we got closer we realized it was a snowblower - a not so bad looking snowblower - with a laminated sign attached to it that read "FREE". We looked at each other and proceeded to carry it home together with Kya pulling us along. It required lifting because one of the tires was flat. Once we got it into the driveway, Adam tried it and it actually started. He figures it just needs gas and a new tire. Holy cow!!! A snowblower!!!

I went online to go look up the make and model number. Turns out, it is a $500 YardMachine! Wow. Yeah, pretty excited. And who better to get it to work if we DO run into a problem than my very own Mechanical Engineer. Hehehe...

1 comment:

  1. So awesome! God provides! And what a year to need a snowblower too...enough already! ;-)
