Friday, January 15, 2010

My first attempt...

So I decided to give it a whirl.

This is my first attempt at a blog. I am still figuring this out. The reason I am starting this is because Adam is studying valiantly for his PE exam coming up on April 16th of this year and I am finding myself with a great deal of free time. What is the PE you ask? Well, when you are an Engineer you take the FE exam (Fundamentals of Engineering) right after college and then after 4 years of working in the engineering field you take the PE (Professional Engineer) exam. So, Adam will become a Professional Engineer!

That being said, I am left to find a hobby. I have busied myself thus far by cleaning, watching movies, taking baths, playing with Kya, and reconnecting with friends. As much as I miss spending ever evening with Adam, I have been enjoying my moments of solitude. It has been a great deal of “me time” and it hasn’t been all that bad. Don’t get me wrong, I miss hanging out with my wonderful husband and just relaxing together. I have just been making the most of my alone time.


  1. Yay! I'm glad you're blogging! :-) Super great title too!

  2. Way to go, it that you're blogging!! We have, and

    Hey...Susan is going to give you a call regarding your message. We'd love to talk!!

  3. I like reading blogs. I have a business one that is somewhat personal, but I'd love to start another MORE personal one. :)
