Monday, January 18, 2010

Just wrap me in warm mud!

So, come this Friday morning, Adam and I will be on an airplane heading to sunny Orlando, Florida. This is a work trip for Adam, but for me – relaxation! Adam is attending the ASRHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers) winter conference and I am going along for the ride. While Adam is participating in seminars about “Cooling Load Methodologies for Under Floor Air Distribution Equipment” and “Effective Design and Operation of Thermal Energy Storage Systems in Hot and Humid Climates” I will be sleeping in, reading a ton, hopefully getting a little sunshine and vitamin D, AND spending one of my mornings at the hotel’s spa!

I decided to go for the “Everglades Scrub and Body Wrap” and added on a 25 minute massage, which they somehow incorporate into the 80 minutes “scrub and wrap”, making it 105 minutes in HEAVEN!!!

Here is the description from the website: “This body envelopment combines the sweets smells of sugar with the invigorating essences of citrus. The treatment will begin with a brown sugar body scrub which has incorporated the finest oils including sweet almond, apricot kernel and wheat germ. Next you will enjoy a warm mud wrap utilizing the nutrient rich mud harvested from the Florida Everglades which has been infused with grapefruit, lime, jasmine and lemongrass. A mega moisturizing body butter rich in vitamin E and the essences of orange, tangerine and mandarin will complete this invigorating treatment.”


Friday, January 15, 2010

My Family...

So I wanted to post a couple pictures of my precious family...

Here we have my mom and dad. Cute, aren't they? Believe it or not, these two have been married for 30 years! They just took a trip to New York for their big Anniversary this past August. Dad works at OptumHealth right now as an IT Consultant. I always keep an eye out for any incredible jobs out there for him. Mom works at Allina up in Coon Rapids at the front desk. She handles the extremely high maintenance and demanding patients that come in for appointments. She also has a jewelry business called Embellishmentz. Check it out online at

This is my oldest brother, Christopher, and his beautiful wife, Kelly. These guys just bought an adorable house in Columbia Heights so they are nice and close to us!
Chris works at WellsFargo downtown just a couple blocks from me and Kelly is an Art Teacher up in St. Michael. This is my favorite picture of them because I love their bright, smiley faces! They are such a good looking couple! I just love them to death!

And here we have Spencer, Kimberly, and new baby girl, AnnaBelle. This is actually my baby brother, though he is almost a foot taller than me. This cute little family lives down in Texas to take care of Kim's family's business. They both work there at the family business together. These folks get to enjoy 80-90 degree temperatures on a daily basis. Lucky. And that sweet little girl is AnnaBelle Grace Dahl. She was born September 1st in 2009 and is a little darling. She is just too precious. It is so fun when these guys come home to Minnesota to visit. Looking forward to the next time they make it up here to the frozen tundra!

My first attempt...

So I decided to give it a whirl.

This is my first attempt at a blog. I am still figuring this out. The reason I am starting this is because Adam is studying valiantly for his PE exam coming up on April 16th of this year and I am finding myself with a great deal of free time. What is the PE you ask? Well, when you are an Engineer you take the FE exam (Fundamentals of Engineering) right after college and then after 4 years of working in the engineering field you take the PE (Professional Engineer) exam. So, Adam will become a Professional Engineer!

That being said, I am left to find a hobby. I have busied myself thus far by cleaning, watching movies, taking baths, playing with Kya, and reconnecting with friends. As much as I miss spending ever evening with Adam, I have been enjoying my moments of solitude. It has been a great deal of “me time” and it hasn’t been all that bad. Don’t get me wrong, I miss hanging out with my wonderful husband and just relaxing together. I have just been making the most of my alone time.