Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kya the TERROR...

So last night I knew I wouldn’t be home until late because I was going straight from work to a bridal shower. Adam was out of town for a business trip and I knew I needed someone to at least feed the puppy and let her outside – perhaps play with her a bit too. My mom and dad did all of that and were nice enough to bring her over to their place for a couple of hours to chill with them in the back yard, be outside for a while, and play with Maddie.

All was going well until my they noticed that Kya was somehow over in the neighbor’s yard… There is a fence between their yards. Apparently Kya CLIMBED over the fence as though it were a ladder in order to play with the kids in their kiddie pool next door. I am still trying to picture Kya climbing like that and am amazed that if she is indeed able to do that why she hasn’t attempted before at home?!?!

The neighbors didn’t mind Kya’s company too much because they too have a wild, obnoxious dog so they are used to large, hyper fur balls jumping all over them. I’m sure she had a riot. Their little girl, Ellie, on the other hand, did not. Kya ended up somehow jumping up on Ellie and chin making her jaw slam shut. I guess one of her teeth was knocked sideways and her mom had to reach in and straighten it for her while she was screaming. (I would have been screaming too if my tooth bent over sideways and someone was trying to turn it back! Ow!) Poor girl!

When my mom called me she explained the whole situation and said that the mom next door was really good about it and totally understood. I am glad it wasn’t more serious, but am still mortified that she hurt Ellie. I need to call her mom and make sure she is doing ok today.

So anyways, Kya didn’t kill anyone, but there was blood. My little terror. Sheesh. (P.S. The picture is very old, but that is how we view her...still our little puppy, sweet as ever. Now she is almost 45 pounds and looks like a teenager. Hehe.)

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!! It must have been a baby tooth that was preparing for exit...

    I'm so glad you had fun in Door County too! The pictures were fun to see!
